Pet Care

Keeping a Pet

Keeping a pet can be a wonderful and rewarding experience for people of all ages. Companionship, devotion, education and fun are some of the benefits of keeping a pet. Pets are special animals that require the proper care to live long and healthy lives.

Remember, quality care takes time and commitment. Keeping a pet is a daily responsibility. There are many different types of birds, mammals, fish, and reptiles we keep as pets, and each species requires its own needs in terms of nutritional requirements, housing, and daily care. We encourage to speak with the experts at your favorite pet store to find the animal that best suits you and fits with your particular lifestyle, and to always consult with a veterinarian if you have any worries about the health of your pet.

Introducing a New Food:

Following these instructions should help prevent a digestive upset. It’s best to acclimate your pet to a new food over a 10-day period.

• The first three days, feed a mixture of 3/4 the current food and 1/4 new food.
• The next three days feed a mixture of 1/2 the current food and 1/2 new food.
• The last three days feed a mixture of 3/4 the new food and 1/4 the old food.
• After 10 days you can supply only the new food to your pet as its main diet.

Pet Birds

Listed below are some of the most popular pet bird species in the United States. Click on your favorite pet to learn more.

Small Animals

Listed below are some of the most popular small animal species in the United States. Click on your favorite pet to learn more.

Keeping a Pet

Keeping a pet can be a wonderful and rewarding experience for people of all ages. Companionship, devotion, education and fun are some of the benefits of keeping a pet. Pets are special animals that require the proper care to live long and healthy lives.

Remember, quality care takes time and commitment. Keeping a pet is a daily responsibility. There are many different types of birds, mammals, fish, and reptiles we keep as pets, and each species requires its own needs in terms of nutritional requirements, housing, and daily care. We encourage to speak with the experts at your favorite pet store to find the animal that best suits you and fits with your particular lifestyle, and to always consult with a veterinarian if you have any worries about the health of your pet.

Introducing a New Food:

Following these instructions should help prevent a digestive upset. It’s best to acclimate your pet to a new food over a 10-day period.

• The first three days, feed a mixture of 3/4 the current food and 1/4 new food.
• The next three days feed a mixture of 1/2 the current food and 1/2 new food.
• The last three days feed a mixture of 3/4 the new food and 1/4 the old food.
• After 10 days you can supply only the new food to your pet as its main diet.

Pet Birds

Listed below are some of the most popular pet bird species in the United States. Click on your favorite pet to learn more.

Small Animals

Listed below are some of the most popular small animal species in the United States. Click on your favorite pet to learn more.